Welcome to our new site!
Ah, the famous welcome post of a blog. This is where you’d normally read that we’ll post every week about our game and that we’re super excited to get started. Then reality sets in and you realize it’s been months since you last posted something. So that’s why we won’t promise monthly content, we’ll instead promise we’ll use this space to post news about our games here at Elden Pixels only when we have something newsworthy. Occasionally you’ll most likely also get a few posts about marketing and design because we might have some good thoughts about that (at least we think so).
It’s been more than three years since we had an idea to make a platform game and now we’re sitting here in our office making new games. Alwa’s Awakening turned out to be way more successful than we could have ever guessed and that makes us really happy. Who would have thought? Well, we didn’t.
With this first post we’d like to welcome you to join us in a new chapter in our Elden Pixels history. The first part was how we had an idea to make a game and founded a team. The second part is how we made Alwa’s Awakening and it turned out to be something we are really proud over and that people seemed to like as well. The third part is just about to start, the part where we turn a small hobby game into something bigger and hopefully a sustainable gaming company that will keep on making games for many years to come. Please give us a follow, like and all that jazz. We’d love to take this journey together with you.
Alexander Berggren – @BG_Pixlarn
Kevin Andersson – @AnderssonKev
Robert Kreese – @RobertKreese
Mikael Forslind – @MikaelForslind
As always, thank you for being awesome.
All the best,
Elden Pixels